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Google Blogger move to Wordpress English

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Hello all, I am Dolphin otaku, This is my first time translate my chinese post to english.
My english is pretty basic, please forgive me if i did anything wrong on my translation.

Hi all, I am from google blogger. I am a blogger at the past two years. At now, I just feel some limit on blogger, I didn't kown how to said, I saw google blogger has improve a lot of but google still looks like to doing what they are didn't kown how to do. I belive that google would like to walking into a money pool which called 'social network', and this is a area google which did not kown much more.

Keep in words, the reason why I look forward to another better blog tool or platform.
The following are what I feel from Blogger =[

Top one: blogger is a free service, I take it from google but google take nothing from me. I really scare one day google stop the blogger service and my kingdom will crash.
Secondly I need to move each of a stone to a new montane to rebuild my city. Because there was no way to export all of your post except your actived template.

blogger have many many bugs I meet, those are the non accpetable bugs.
I was try the dynamic views theme when released, but I was fail to adding google adsense. I did kown what's problem and is it ok now.

the first time when I enable the Earnings on one of my blog and link to my ads account successfully, is was good and fine. Someday the eamings just gone, I really didn't kown what happen again. The eamings icon was return after I send a feedback to blogger.

some of the plug in are no effect, e.g for the recent updated post
it was little disapointed, there was a gap between the google image in my experience and I expected.

so that is why I would like try another blogger service/tools, but I will keep using the google blogger with a long time.

beside I going to found out another something to replace google blogger or something like that. a lot of post from foreigner are comparing blogger vs wordpress. and more and more post recommanding wordpress in advance, blogger in beginner, and wordpress to blogger which from blogger.

here have some key factor that may make wordpress better than blogger,

wordpress is a free and open source blog platform, it can attract more people to join to develop and provide plugin.

more plugin and more theme avaiable in wordpress.

there are more comprehensive customization in wordpress

google own your blog vs own your blog by yourself

those make me going into wordpress today.

Therefore, I google and found that was a lot people are commentingthat blogger for beginners, recommend WordPress in advances. The most are describing what are the Wordpress better than blogger, I list the key point here,
  • Blogger Limiation (
  • The number of Blogs: 100s per account
  • The number of Posts: unlimited
  • Size of Posts: unlimited
  • Size of Pages: 1MB/per page
  • Number of Comments: unlimited
  • Number of Pictures: 1GB shared with Picasa Web, but if you link to google+, it will share with google Drive
  • Team Members: 100 per blog
  • Number of Labels: Up to 2000 unique labels per blog and 20 per post.

That is the problem, wordpress storage is depends on your hosting server.
Not depends on Google, I think you will not use Gmail, Google Doc, Google Drive and Google+ photo.

WordPress is an open source online blogging tool and a content management system (CMS). That means there are not of people burn their youth to develop and improve. To compare with Blogger, Wordpress contain more extension, widget and theme. More flexible and customization.

Finally, it is open source and free, you may change and edit to fit your needs. Of course, Google owns your Blogger, you own your Wordpress now.

However, I will not stop using Blogger right now, because I am conservative.

To use WordPress(WP), we will meet the same problem why I am choose Blogger. Hosting! This time, I go to buy 1 year hosting service, WP was included.

When you are looking for a hosting plan, it must support PHP and MySQL, these are the necessary of WP, please make sure you can install WP by 1 click, it will save a lot of times and steps.

Today we are not talking about hosting service, so move on.

Install WordPress

Please read the WP requirment.

1 click install WP
go to the back end panel of your hosting

if you install WP on local desktop, you may see figure 1, figure 2, figure 3
here was a little different compare with me 1 click install at the hosting back end.
I think opposite side has modify it in the integration.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

In my 1 click case, a WP install wizard will guard and help me.
Ask me the figure 3 information before the installation and then figure 4

In my local case, I need to create a database at localhost/phpmyadmin before figure 3
, typing the correct mysql config information like figure 3 than can continue.
In my local case , the database must created before the installation.

Connect to database successfully
You may modify later, keep going
Press Login to continue
Login Page
WP back end control panel

Up here, we can enter the WP control panel that means the installation success. The next we are going to transfer our blogger post to WP

Blogger Post import to WP

Tool > Import > Blogger
install that plug in and get ready.
Plug in installation
細心觀看描述能了解 插件安裝進度及狀態

click enable plug in and run the import program to start , if you leave or skip this step, never mind
go back to the Tool > Import
click blogger one more time

Press the [Authorize] button, the page will redirect to Google Blogger and grant the right to read and manager the post from blogger for WP. Accept it so that the WP can get your post from blogger.
現在可以使用Import Blogger工具了
檢視與管理您的 Blogger 中的文章和網誌
檢視與管理您的 Blogger 留言
P.S After I try, if your blogger linked to Google+ and use the Google+ comment replace the original blogger comment, the WP cannot get the Google+ comments.

After fisinh the authorization, you may see the Blogger information of Blogs, Posts, Comments.
You may would like to re-do the authorization if you just use the wrong Google account, just click the [Clear account information] button. The authorization will trigger again.

click the [import] button to start the importation
please wait the long time, that may talk a long times, depends on the number and size of posts.

Secondary, the import process always jam in my experience. I did't kown is it timeout, the [Importing...] may turn back to [Continuse], or always [Importing...] but the progress are stuck.
If you have the same problem just click [Continuse] or refresh the page and click [Continuse]

The import always need to continuse per 10 to 13 post in my case. When all the post are imported, will start to import the image. Also "[Continuse]" the image importation.

Even all the importation are complete, that is not success yet.

Convert Categories to Tags

I found that, all the blogger labels(Tags called in WP) will become Categories in WP during the importation.

We may use the Categories and Tags Converter to solve this problem. Install and Enable this converter from Tool > Import

select the Categories and I click [Categories to Tags]
that is totally wrong, you should scroll to the bottom and click [Convert Categories to Tags] =.=''|||

Press the [Categories to Tags] button use to view the current Categories and let you select
Press the [Tags to Categories] button, you kown
I repeat the convert button at the bottom!!!!

Just didn't follow me to click on the [Categories to Tags] button, if you did, you need to select again, becaseu the page was refreshed T_T''||

Jump break line

if you edit and insert a read more tag into a post content, you will found that will add a html code <!--more--> in the content, same as Blogger.

But I did't kown why all the <!--more--> become <a name='more'></a> during the importation.

I guess the importation are get the rendered result not the source, W0W... are you kidding me??? I did't is this a bug or I did wrong at import.
Anyway, under my investigate, I found all the post content are store in the 'wp_post' table.

So, now I use MySQL query to solve this funny problem. If you did't kown MySQL and do not want to kown than just forget it, in simple, export the data table are replace in text editor and import back.

Highly recommend export and backup your wp_post table first, I will not take any responsibility if your data crash because you do the incorrect steps.

before at all, we may check all the post, did someone missing the read more tags you forgot to add from blogger.
SELECT `post_title` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_content` not like '%%'

P.S I did't kown why some post are duplicated in my case.

To get the number of post used read more tags for review after.
SELECT `post_title` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_content` like '%%'

Figure 23

use the following sql query to preview the update action, more easily, the following sql statement is incomplete any update action will not take, just for your preview.

start transaction;
update `wp_posts` set `post_content` = replace(`post_content`, '', '') where `post_content` like '%%';
select `post_title`, `post_content` from `wp_posts` where `post_content` like '%%';

Figure 24︰不是圖片出錯,原來只會顯示最後一句語法。
after run the query, here list all the post you expected will be update, the number of post should same as the above preview amount.

Under your confirm, run this, this will update the post
start transaction;
update `wp_posts` set `post_content` = replace(`post_content`, '', '') where `post_content` like '%%';
select `post_title`, `post_content` from `wp_posts` where `post_content` like '%%';

after execute the sql statement, here will list the post had replaced the <a> tag to <!-- -->

Logically, figure23 figure24 should have the same result.

Visit the WP home page, you may see the read more tag work if you did't the right job.
The post are trimed by read more tags =] YES

Now, we back to the do it without MySQL, if you don't understand start from "SELECT ...", doesn't matter, because the main arm of WP is no programming in need, I teach you how to update the read more tags without MySQL manually.

local and browser to localhost/phpmyadmin > Database > click on the 'wp_post' table > tab on to Export > [GO] button one wp_posts.sql file should download to your computer, this is a copy of your 'wp_post' table, this table store all of your WP posts.

Use a text editor open it, such as notepad / notepad++ / sublime,
use the search and replace function, search <a name='more'></a> and replace to <!--more-->




Save the file after replaced all, than we are going import back those updated posts to the WP.

tab to the Operations nearby the Export, click the 'Emprt the table' to clear all the post from 'wp_post'.

after all the post are deleted, import the new wp_post your updated. Import > choose the 'wp_post.sql' you updated.




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