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轉載 - Plants vs. Zombies 2 Soft Launch

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Hello everyone,
We are about to unleash Plants vs. Zombies 2 on the world!  A lot has changed since the first Plants vs. Zombies shambled onto your devices a few years ago, and we’ve been hard at work to make Plants vs. Zombies 2 an incredible experience for everyone who plays. To that end, we are launching the game a bit early in Australia and New Zealand to help us test out all of the new systems and features we’ve built into the game. We’ve added a bunch of new features that allow us to take advantage of new technologies to make a better experience for our players, and those innovations require us to perform some large tests to make sure we are ready for our worldwide audience to play.
The goals of this focused launch are twofold: First, it’s to test our back-end server capacity to make sure we are ready and capable of handling the traffic of our players worldwide. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to be connected to play, we just want to make sure everyone can get the game.) Second, it’s an opportunity for us to test at scale how our players play the game as well as how they interact with our store.
If you happen to live in Australia or New Zealand, our test markets for the “soft launch,” please be sure to remember that we are going to be testing all sorts of different aspects of the game’s functionality, pricing, stability, etc. So don’t be surprised if you see lots of changes during this testing phase. We are looking to see how players interact with the game so we can make sure we are making the best Plants vs. Zombies 2 experience possible!
Many thanks to all of the players and fans worldwide for your patience and support. The game is loads of fun and is coming your way very soon. We can’t wait for you to play it!
Allen Murray
Sr. Producer, Plants vs. Zombies 2


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Transmission 1

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